[thelist] Recommendation for Merchant Account?

Bob Haroche spambait at onpointsolutions.com
Fri Sep 3 10:13:38 CDT 2004

Norman MacLeod wrote:
> Authorize.net is the one that most of our e-commerce clients are
> using. Most cart solutions come with the bits needed to use
> Authorize.net more painlessly than most.

Right and I've tied into Authorize.net before. But that's only a
gateway, not a merchant account. I know any major bank can provide a
merchant account. But in my experience a brick and mortar bank often
charges higher fees than many providers advertising online. Of course
many online businesses never answer their phones or respond to emails
timely -- hence, my request for recommendations.

Maximillian did recommend Practice Pay Solutions, which I've dealt
with before for some clients and I did like their tech support.
They're not the cheapest but they're also not over the top. I'll
probably go with them. Thanks to all for your responses.

Bob Haroche
O n P o i n t  S o l u t i o n s

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