[thelist] Rich Internet Application

Michal Migurski mike at teczno.com
Sat Sep 11 12:58:37 CDT 2004

> The application that I have described I thought was perfect for Flash Remoting,
> however no one I have talked to has suggested that or given me any hope,
> instead it seems to be a conglomeration of applets, beans, jsp, javascript and
> so on.

Remoting is just another way to pass data between the server and the
client. It's not really different from XML sockets or name/value pairs,
except in execution details - the client still has to initiate a
connection to the server.

It has the disadvantage of being a closed format, with open-source
implementations like AMFPHP having to resort to reverse engineering to
make it work. According to people I know it's also slated for deprecation,
though I'm not sure of any real details on that.

It still doesn't completely address the offline-viewing requirement.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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