[thelist] vb.net: using subroutines within user controls - .ascx

Casey Crookston casey at thecrookstons.com
Mon Oct 11 17:47:13 CDT 2004

Okay,  I'll make this as simple as I can think to make it.  I'm trying to
build a dynamic template site. On every page (default.aspx, about.aspx,
contact.aspx) etc, I don't want to include the same HTML for the header over
and over and over again, so I took out the basic header that gets re-used on
every page and stuck in into a seperate file, called HEADER.(i'm not sure of
the best extension to use yet...)

Now, within HEADER.ascx/aspx/inc, there is a little bit of dynamic content,
nothing serious.  I'd like to put everthing in the HEADER file inside a
subroutine (called HEADER), so that on the main pages (contact.aspx,
about.apsx, etc) all I have to do is CALL HEADER.

Does that make sense?

So, again, this was such a simple task in classic asp.  Not so simple
ASP.NET, i guess?

Thank you!!!


P.S.  Please assume I know NOTHING when replying to this message!!

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