[thelist] Anal String Replace (ASP)

Rob Smith rob.smith at THERMON.com
Thu Oct 14 12:20:13 CDT 2004

Anal as in strict,

I have a file name:
filename = "Abbrv. State Names.htm"

What I'd like to do is:
filename = replace(filename,".","")

However this yields:
Abbrv State Nameshtm... not good

           o o

What I think I may have to do, but this is the LONG way around

filename = replace(filename,".","_")
filename = replace(filename,"_htm",".htm")
filename = replace(filename,"_cad",".cad")
filename = replace(filename,"_doc",".doc")
filename = replace(filename,"_xls",".xls")
filename = replace(filename,"_pdf",".pdf")

...and so on and so forth for every known file extension to restore the file

There has GOT to be a smarter way around this. Ideas,

Rob Smith

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