[thelist] Anal String Replace (ASP)

Helen helen at helephant.com
Thu Oct 14 13:31:01 CDT 2004

Is it safe to assume the last three letters are the extension? Or could 
you put all the extensions you want to support into an array?


Rob Smith wrote:

>Anal as in strict,
>I have a file name:
>filename = "Abbrv. State Names.htm"
>What I'd like to do is:
>filename = replace(filename,".","")
>However this yields:
>Abbrv State Nameshtm... not good
>           o o
>What I think I may have to do, but this is the LONG way around
>filename = replace(filename,".","_")
>filename = replace(filename,"_htm",".htm")
>filename = replace(filename,"_cad",".cad")
>filename = replace(filename,"_doc",".doc")
>filename = replace(filename,"_xls",".xls")
>filename = replace(filename,"_pdf",".pdf")
>...and so on and so forth for every known file extension to restore the file
>There has GOT to be a smarter way around this. Ideas,
>Rob Smith

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