[thelist] PHP: page display issues

Gregory Wostrel info at gwcreative.com
Fri Oct 15 05:58:41 CDT 2004

On Oct 15, 2004, at 12:10am, Maximillian Schwanekamp wrote:

> Julian Rickards wrote:
>> It appears to me that the calendar is expanding and contracting 
>> because September has no data and October has data that is forcing a 
>> cell to expand.
> Yes, it is an HTML/CSS issue, not really anything to do with the PHP.  
> Gregory, if you can get your hands on the New Riders book _Eric Meyer 
> on CSS_, it has a good chapter specifically on styling a calendar.  In 
> a nutshell, in the CSS you might set an explicit width and height for 
> the days, style the font size for links to fit the small boxes, gray 
> out the days on the calendar page that come before the 1st of the 
> month and last of the month, and perhaps highlight the current day.  
> Eric's book goes into all that quite nicely, too.  With PHP, you can 
> have the markup generated for the current day with something like 
> class="current-day," holidays with a "holiday" class, and so forth.

Thanks for the explicit suggestions. I appreciate your comments (and 
Julian's before you). I have actually recently purchased Eric Meyer's 
book but haven't had an opportunity to start it! I can see it from 
where I am sitting. I took on a few jobs where a PHP solution was a 
component so I bought and started Julie Meloni's "PHP Essentials" 
first! I guess I will jump ahead to the calendar chapter in Eric's book 
and get this job finished. Sheesh, I've got a lot of reading to do!

Gregory Wostrel

email: gw at gwcreative.com
web: http://www.gwcreative.com
tel: 401.286.9228

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