[thelist] Re: Link Masking

Raditha Dissanayake jabber at raditha.com
Tue Nov 23 09:30:53 CST 2004

Rob Smith wrote:

>If you have a list of links, and you don't want anyone to be able to trawl
>your site and harvest them, I suppose you could keep them in a database.
>Then, all your links would look like: /links.asp?id=39275.
>This I think is more what she wants. Now that I remember it, she did say
>something about displaying links on her site that are good for only two
>hours. Mind you, she wanted to patent a web site. This is the level of
>paranoia that she's involved with.
>Pray for me,
the best thing to do with a client like this is to double your price you 
will need it for the lawyers.


Raditha Dissanayake.
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