[thelist] RE: common key to good sites [UPDATE]

M. Seyon evoltlist at delime.com
Thu Jan 27 18:51:22 CST 2005

Message from Steven Streight (1/27/2005 07:03 PM)

>When it comes to webs/blogs/wikis, etc.:
>1. The first thing is it must download quickly.

Not if it's a photography or other graphic medium blog (to an extent). 
People will be more willing to wait longer if the graphics are their reason 
for visiting the site. Some of them, anyway.

>2. The second thing is it must convey a visual
>appearance (color, design, type font and size, nav
>tools, identification of who operates it, what its
>purpose is) of credibility and reliability and
>appropriate look for the audience and company (Disney
>vs. NASA)

Not if it's porn. You don't care who's producing it, or how it's presented. 
You just want it. Now.

I think you got it right the first time - It must meets the needs of the 
user, whatever those needs may be.

Alan identified several more detailed points, but really if you look at 
each one you'll see it does lead back to "meeting the user's need".

>- Content: Yes, content *is* king...as long as it is relevant, useful, and 
>to the point.

Useful, to the visitor.

>- Efficiency: The user should be able to find what they need quickly, then 
>move on to something else. Having to spend time figuring out navigation 
>and structure kills the experience.

Can't meet their need if they can't figure out how to get what they want.

>- Knowing the User: A site that knows who its target audience is and why 
>they're there in the first place has won half the battle. Knowing who your 
>users are directly affects efficiency.

Can't meet someone's need if you don't know who's need you're meeting.

>- Attention to graphic design concepts: Balance, focus, flow...all of 
>these should be thought through when designing the layout. No one has a 
>good time on a site that's hard on the eye.

This last one is a bit vague, but the last sentence is the same as the 
efficiency thing. Can't meet their need if they can't stand looking at your 

So ultimately it is all about meeting the user/visitor/customer's need.

Regarding Maxmillian's comment about the site owner's need, if he can't 
meet his users' needs his needs will never be satisfied.


Trinidad Carnival in all its photographic glory. Playyuhself.com

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