[thelist] Finding all checkboxes or radios w same name, without document.all

Christian Heilmann lists at onlinetools.org
Tue Feb 8 03:39:18 CST 2005

Dave Merrill wrote:

>Nice resource Christian, didn't know about that (though I did know about
>other pages at quirksmode).
>So the upshot seems to be that support for getElementsByName is funky in
>some respects on most major browsers. But still, it may be ok for typical
>use. For instance, if I wanted to get the effective submit value of a set of
>radios, then...
>  a) They'll all be form objects, which are supported. (The quirksmode pages
>says IEwin only sees 'input' objects, but here it also sees selects and
>  b) There won't be other objects on the page with IDs that overlap the
>names of the form elements I'm using. At least, I can't think of any reason
>why there'd need to be.
>  c) They'll all be standard html objects, not custom tags like the reported
><ppk>. Again, I can't think of any reason why I'd need custom tags in this
>One thing this does tell me is that Safari, which I don't have, has at least
>this level of support, at least by v1.2.
>Any other ideas on what to do for platforms where it actually fails?
I'd loop through the form elements and check their name attribute 
comparing it to the name you want.

Another option is cssQuery: http://dean.edwards.name/my/cssQuery.js.html

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