[thelist] CSS - label tag - SOLVED?

thelist at cjmarsh.com thelist at cjmarsh.com
Sun Feb 13 17:02:52 CST 2005


> I think I've got it. I must say, the strict doctype is quite picky. I 
> was out for a walk this afternoon, and I thought about converting my 
> company's existing to strict, and as much as work it would 
> be, I think 
> that maybe it's a good idea.
> After a fair amount of coding, thinking, more coding, and 
> chain-smoking 
> my way towards a solution, here is the code that validates 
> against the 
> Strict doctype.


Many thanks for your resonse. This does, however, use the <br /> tag. I
toyed with similar solutions, but currently all markup within the site
is - in addition to validating against the strict dtd - semantically
correct. There is not a single tag that does not have semantic meaning,
and having thought about this type of solution previously I cannot see
any semantic meaning to the <br /> tag in this context - it's purely

I'm going to investigate further this week, but for the meanwhile I
guess I'll leave the inline-block style declaration in.



Chris Marsh

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