[thelist] a couple of quick questions regarding web page size/CSS

BJ bj at kickasswebdesign.com
Fri May 6 10:15:33 CDT 2005

"1) If you are linking to a CSS file from a web page, is the size of
the CSS file included in the overall page size?"

The size of the css file only counts toward load time the first time it's loaded-- for all subsequent pages that call the css file it's already in cache and will not add to the load time.  That's why css pages generally load much faster. Putting your javascript in remotely called files where possible adds the same benefit, I believe.

"2) What is the *optimal* size for a web page (quick loading)." 

If you keep the total of all elements for your pages 80k and under you're pretty good to go, though I sometimes "cheat" on a splash page and go to 100k.  Actually I just looked at a few of my sites, and with only one exception the inner pages generally fall in the 50-60k range.  Some sites require more graphics just by their nature.  I try to make these load down a right hand column late in the source so they're loading as people are reading the content, which is earlier in the source and loads first.  Those pages I'll let go up to 100k absolutely worst case.  I've found it to be a helpful trick with sites that require some sort of gallery or lots of photos.

3) Is there any kind of tool that will delete elements from your
stylesheet not being called?

???  you mean a utility that'll weed out the css deadwood?  I use my eyeballs. *grin*

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