[thelist] determining IP address of websites

Burhan Khalid thelist at meidomus.com
Sat May 7 08:38:07 CDT 2005

Rob Smith wrote:
>>>I can't remember how to do this...determine the IP numbers for a
>>>website domain name.
> Say I've got a list of them in a database. Is there a function like nslookup
> that I can plug in a loop (ASP) and have it spit out who?

You can simply write a script that prints the result from
http://dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch?name=google.com&type=A - replacing 
google.com with each entry from your file.

Note that some free dns query providers will block you after a certain 
number of requests -- to prevent abuse of the servers.

You can query your local ISP's DNS servers using nslookup (or dig -- on 
*nix) and get the same information.

Ah -- just noticed you menionted ASP. I'm no good at ASP, otherwise I'd 
post an example.  Let me know if you need one in PHP.


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