[thelist] Site Review - http://wizardev.ca/

Michele Foster - WizarDev michele at wizardev.ca
Fri Jun 3 10:22:58 CDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Cummiskey" <Brian at hondaswap.com>

> To play the counter point on a couple items here....
> M. Seyon wrote:
> > First off, the compliments, that it's a lovely site, great use of
> > colour. Purples really are unusual, so it does stand out. And the
> > flowers in the header are a wonderful touch.
> What if I was looking at having a sports or beer site (or some other
> "manly" topic) made?  The purple and flowers would probably turn me off
> instantly, and i'd look for someone else who is less "girly" or
> "springy" for lack of better terms.
> It's your choice on who you target, of course.  IMO, it would be
> 1800-flower's dream designer, but espn would probably shudder and move
> on.  So, the question remains--  WHO or what group are you trying to
> target with the purple and flowers?  If you feel that this will target
> the desired clients, by all means.

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your comments they are appreciated, even if I disagree. :)

Perhaps I've taken the wrong approach, but I wanted a site that reflected my
personality and energy.  I didn't want a boring, corporate site.  That's not
me .. I'm neither boring nor corporate ;).  If the colours and style of my
site turn some people off, or make them form negative impressions of me, oh
well.  I would hope potential clients would appreciate my decision to go
outside of the box, and create a site that reflects me .. which is what I've

I don't want to argue about it, and thanks for your comments, they've given
me something to think about.

> > The biggest issue for me, which is largely a personal one, is that I
> > think there's just too much text.
> I'll 2nd that, and furthermore, I will say that there are WAY too many
> links within said text.  It's confusing to read, and nothing stands out
> like it should.  It's like reading a paragraph from a book that was
> highlighted by someone else--  by ended up highlighting the whole
> Without going back to this main text, where else do I find these things?
>   I know I couldn't find them all.  If they aren't "good enough" to make
> youe navigation menu, are they really necessary?

I'm assuming you are referring to the home page, yes, they are absolutely
necessary, and they appear as sub-navigation on the Services pages.  I
didn't want to say that I perform "services" .. instead I spelled them out.
This site is also an experiment in search engine optimization, to see what
works, what doesn't.   I will fix up that home page, however, to make it
flow better.

> > I agree with others about the 'Resume' thing. But I see no harm in
> > keeping it handy for inquiring minds.
> I wasn't going to, .... BUT....
> It's WAY too long, WAY too detailed, and if I were looking to hire
> someone based on it, I'd toss it and move to the next one.  I don't have
> time to read all of that.

Yes, it is long .. hence why there is a "note to readers" on the HTML
version.  The downloadable versions are more concise.  When I apply for
positions requiring a resume, I often submit a custom version.  I wanted a
full version, that reflects my entire work experience, this is more a
curriculum vitae than a resume, by North American standards.  The resume
link is going to move and be less prominent.

Thanks again for your comments.


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