[thelist] Shouldn't this work?

Dena dmarchand at verizon.net
Mon Jun 6 13:32:45 CDT 2005


For these request variables:
(there can be n sets of dev_location1,dev_subtype1,dev_condition1.
dev_comments is a comma delimited string of n length where n=the number of
sets above.)

dev_location1 = > 2,500
dev_subtype1 = Drinking Water - Inactive
dev_condition1 = Good

dev_location2 = > 5,500
dev_subtype2 = Drinking Water - Active
dev_condition2 = Excellent

dev_comments = test1,test2
dev_type = Wells
Submit = Submit Form

shouldn't I be able to do something like this:

for i=0 to ubound(arrDevComments)
 sQuery = sQueryStartString & Request.form("dev_type") & "', '" &
Request.form("dev_subtype" & i) & "', '"  & ..etc. & "');"
 response.write sQuery & "<BR>"

I come up with query strings like the one below.
INSERT INTO development (dev_type, dev_subtype, dev_condition, dev_comments,
dev_location) VALUES ('Wells', '', '', 'test1', '');

Any ideas?

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