[thelist] Pop-up Blocker v. Opening a new window

Jono Young jono at charlestonwebsolutions.com
Mon Jun 13 06:24:29 CDT 2005

On Jun 13, 2005, at 3:21 AM, Mike wrote:

>> Your argument is that users don't know how to use their browser.  
>> One could as easily argue that a user could become confused/ 
>> disoriented by a new window that suddenly appears, blocking their  
>> previous window, and of course also disabling global browser  
>> controls (back button, etc).
> You want your users to order something? OK... Imagine, she clicked
> on a picture to see it in larger size -> PopUp. Later, she wants to
> order something. Click... Nothing pops... Nothing happens. The
> order form replaces the image in its popUp window...

I am coming in to this one a bit late, but assuming the user has  
JavaScript enabled, you could use JS to force focus on the window. If  
I understand what you're saying, you fear that once a poppup window  
is open, that the next time you try to access a new popup window, it  
will load into to old window (the first popup) which may now be  
behind your currently active browser window?

I am pretty sure you can force the window to the top with JS, but I  
am not certain how ppopup blockers would handle that?

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