[thelist] Site Check -- bg image problem

Maximillian Schwanekamp lists at neptunewebworks.com
Fri Jun 17 23:09:29 CDT 2005

T-- wrote:
> Okay, I'm stumped.   I might see the problem tomorrow with fresh eyes. 
> But, would appreciate others having a look.
> Site displaying as intended in IE6 (PC).
> PROBLEM: Firefox having a fit with my (validating!) code. Background
> image is truncated.  [Tested with Firefox v. 1.0.4 / PC]

Nice picture.  Some problems with your markup...

First, you have background-attachment: fixed.  This is probably not what
you want.  IE does not support this property correctly, except on the
<body> element[0], so you're seeing the background as you intended,
though not as you coded it.  Just remove that rule, and for good measure
replace it with background-position: center top;

Second, your code does *not* validate[1].  Running the validator on it
shows that you have an HTML background attribute specified on that
layout table.  You'd do well to get rid of that.  There are scads of
other validation errors, but I think you just have a typo in your code
that is causing the errors to cascade.

Third, you're calling stylesheet files that do not exist, i.e.
!basic_ff.css and !advanced_ff.css.  This doesn't really affect the
rendering, but is kindof unnecessary.

Finally, I question your decision to use a javascript browser sniffer.
I suggest you try and work browser-agnostically, adhering to the
standards and only tweaking the CSS/JS as-needed.  The CSS-D Hacks
section[2,3] can offer a wealth of hacks to make your pages work
cross-browser.  You might want to give Zeldman a read, even if his
book[4] is getting a bit dated now. :)

[0] http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/complexspiral/demo.html
[1] http://url123.com/vree2
[2] http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CssHack
[3] http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ScriptHacks
[4] http://www.kathymarks.com/archives/2005/05/warnings_about.html

Maximillian Von Schwanekamp

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