[thelist] Site Check -- bg image problem (fixed!)

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Sat Jun 18 02:54:26 CDT 2005


> From: T--
> > > http://www.no-pun.com/synergy2005/
> >
> > Ok, first, your code (XHTML) does *not* validate[1].
> It validated with TidyHTML. [...]

TidyHTML is more forgiving.  When in doubt, the W3's validator is the one
that's right.

> [...] Validators never like my end tags. [...]

Validators don't like your end tags because they're not valid.  I suspect
there are probably some browsers that don't like them either.

> A tradeoff.  Anyone who wants to discuss it, please
> start a new thread, since I did not solicit opinions
> about that.  As for the 2 other items (2 tags being
> capitalized), I fixed it just after posting.

Honestly, I fail to see the actual value or necessity in these non-valid end
tags as you include comments that mark the ending tags already.  I realize
it's a method you've come up with to make it easier to match up the
appropriate ending tags.  However, this isn't necessary as any decent,
modern code editor should include the ability to jump from start tag to end
tag and vice versa.  You're adding bloat to the code, making it invalid, to
do the job a good code editor should provide.

 [>] Jeff Howden
     jeff at jeffhowden.com

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