[thelist] HTM emails

James Hardy evolt at weeb.biz
Wed Jun 29 09:35:49 CDT 2005

Chris Price wrote:

>I think I've asked this before on Evolt but I didn't phrase it very well so
>the answers didn't quite answer the question.
>I have someone who wants to send emails from his company, formatted in html
>to appear like printed stationery, i.e. With a letterhead and signature
>template that picks up the individuals signature. The customer refers to it
>as stationery rather than html email with signature.
>I am familiar with building html emails populated from a database but I
>don't know the logistics of sending html emails from a networked office
>environment using outlook. I don't really know where to start so if anyone
>can point me to a resource I would be very grateful.
>HTML emails seem to be becoming the norm and while I can see why they
>appeal, I don't think its a forward step. But that ground's been well
>covered before and I'm just after info.
sending HTML emails from outlook is easy - the hard part is getting it 
not to ;)
to create an html template (which microsoft calls "stationary" - that's 
where he has picked the term up from) use whatever HTML editing software 
you usually would use. Don't use stylesheets, or an embedded style 
block. If you want to use style, you need to specify style as style 
attributes (this is because everything in the <head/> is often ignored. 
save it somewhere accessible to all users (ie a network drive)

The signature block should be a seperate html file for each user. save 
this somewhere specific for each user

and then within outlook go tools | options | mail format

on this page select HTML for the sending mail format

then click  stationary picker button and then the  New button then 
select your template.
for the sigs click signatures then New and selecting the appropriate 
user's sig

This allows the overall layout to be the same withing a company but you 
can select a seperate sig block for each users.

et voila

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