[thelist] CMS - Non-Blog-Like XHTML CSS?

chris lists at semioticpixels.com
Fri Aug 19 08:47:42 CDT 2005

No, Plone is not written in php -it's written in python and runs on top
of the Zope framework which is also written in python. It's a nice
system but has a steep learning curve if you plan to extend it.

For the OP, it seems to me that the majority of LAMP cms' are blog
based, including Drupal, WordPress, Textpattern but even so those all
seem to match your requirements ... So ... What about your requirements
indicates "not blog based"? 

Your search will probably be easier if you refine your requirements. For
example, when you say that you like Etomite, but not the table based
layout, does that mean the html for the default install must meet a
criteria? When I'm looking at systems, I generally look at how easy it
will be to customize the layout. I don't really care what the default
install looks like, but I do care if I'm going to dig through 300 files
to find a <td> being output by some errant function.

Realistically, you'll probably have to install and try out a number of
systems before you find one you like. In my experience, most systems are
over-featured and built around a news model that tends to be awkward for
simple web management. I personally like WordPress as a blog and it's
very easy to create a theme for WP, but I think the editor exposes
novice users to html too much.  Drupal is quite popular these days -
most Drupal installs look like a blog to me but you can easily install a
rich text editor as a module which is a more familiar editing
environment for most users. Textpattern is probably the most elegant
solution to your requirements.  

Try out LAMP systems at http://www.opensourcecms.com/
Sort by requirements http://www.cmsmatrix.org/matrix
Sort by license at the OSCOM matrix


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