[thelist] Font Problem

Hershel Robinson hershelr at netvision.net.il
Wed Aug 24 05:09:30 CDT 2005

In IE6 and Opera 8 on Win 2K, I see the first two 'continue shopping' 
texts in the same  size font and the third one 'continue shopping big' 
in a larger font. I believe this is correct rendering.

In FF 1.06, however, all three are rendering at a different sizes. I 
believe this is incorrect.

The CSS is on the page. You will note in the HTML that the middle text 
is a link tag and the outer two are submit buttons.

I thought maybe the non-standard charset could be involved (which we use 
in production) so I made another test with utf-8 and I see the same results:


Does anyone else see this? Any ideas on it?


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