[work] RE: [thelist] Border Disorder

Hershel Robinson hershelr at netvision.net.il
Wed Aug 24 09:03:04 CDT 2005

>>>CSS: http://www.mishpachaw.com/css/main.css

>>>Anyone know why this happens?
>>Yes, the height of your junior class is fixed to 30px, try 3em?
> ...or don't specify a height at all, rather!  Just padding & margins.

Perfect! Why did I put a height there? I think when I first began 
playing with the round circles as backgrounds, I found a needed a 
height. Eventually I guess I moved them into a span, and I forgot about 
the height on the h2.

Thank you very much,

PS: This guy's really on the ball--somebody give him a raise. :)

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