[thelist] how do you manage lots of websites and where do you host?

Paul Waring paul at xk7.net
Fri Aug 26 10:23:38 CDT 2005

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 11:04:46AM -0400, Theodore Serbinski wrote:
> So what do you guys do?
> So any suggetions? Best practices? 

I have a reseller account which gives clients CPanel and FTP access for
each domain they host, but the way I'm moving is towards a virtual
server where each client gets their own home directory, below which all
their domains are stored like so:




That way I can easily enforce quotas on accounts using the normal Linux
quotas and I can lock clients into their home directories in vsftp and
PHP (and other tools no doubt). It's also a doddle to add extra domains
because they're in a standard location, although it's worth pointing out
that I have only set this up on a test machine so far - no idea how well
it will work in practice. :)


Rogue Tory

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