[thelist] Is this a list?

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Mon Sep 26 16:31:38 CDT 2005


> From: Amanda Kuek
> [snip of other questions]
> Also, what's the general list opinion on JavaScript
> message boxes? I thought perhaps some sort of "Are you
> REALLY SURE you want to commit to The Fridge? Yes/No"
> alert would be quite handy, but if it's bad practice,
> it'd be just as easy to have that as the next page
> rather than as an JavaScript popup.

Actually, I'd suggest that you don't do this at all.  It's possible that it
may get clicked on accidentally, but it's far more probable that if it is
clicked on, it was intentional.  This sort of flow interruption is silly,
insults the intelligence of those that click that item intentionally, and
should altogether be avoided.  Instead, provide the user with sufficient
undo capabilities.  In this case a simple mechanism for "unchecking" their
commitment to that item would be more than sufficient.

 [>] Jeff Howden
     jeff at jeffhowden.com

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