[thelist] JS memory leak detection?

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Sat Oct 22 23:31:53 CDT 2005


> From: aardvark
> so, i play with JS a lot, and i have a pretty good feel
> for writing scripts, but i'm not so good with tracking
> down memory leaks...

When did you come over to the darkside?

> specifically, i am trying to determine how much, if any,
> the JS in the suckerfish menus and the modified menus
> leak...

I see no evidence of circular references, the culprit of memory leaks.

> i've read these two articles, and am having a little
> trouble determining if and how they can be applied:
> http://novemberborn.net/javascript/event-cache
> http://laurens.vd.oever.nl/weblog/items2005/closures/

I see zero reason to implement either of the solutions mentioned.

> essentially, i am looking for some JS genius-level
> feedback on the modified code i am using here and what
> i can do to optimize it:
> http://algonquinstudios.com/js/flyoutnav.js

Oh, well, if it's feedback on your actual scripting, I've got some of that
for you.

Comparing to my own work with accessible suckerfish menus, I actually have
no feedback.

Have a good evening,

 [>] Jeff Howden
     jeff at jeffhowden.com

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