[thelist] simple css help

Christian Heilmann codepo8 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 04:15:32 CDT 2005

> Sorry for the code you don't like. I don't like the br tags and the
> misfunctionanlity in Mozilla either.
> However, for my excuse, last week I used the same style to create a table
> content in a temporary workaround
> with W3C DOM createdElements and it work pretty good in IE and Mozilla.
> I haven't tested with ns (the workaround was temporary).
> a=doc.createElement("A");
> a.setAttribute("href","foo");
> td=doc.createElement("TD");
> a.appendChild("td");
> tbl.appendCild("a");

My issue with this isn't BR tags, it is nesting TDs inside A elements
and nesting that is invalid HTML:

 <a href="foo" id="link"><td onmouseover="chgCol(this,'black','white')"
> onmouseout="chgCol(this,'white','black')"><br /><br />Foo</a><br /><br
> /></font></td></a>


does not work, now does it?

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