[thelist] site check (accessibility)

Ian Anderson ian at zstudio.co.uk
Wed Nov 2 03:25:41 CST 2005

Kasimir K wrote:

> How about "a visual game requiring flash plugin"?

That's good...

The Flash movies (and the rest of the site) should also be checked to
see that they can be used through the keyboard only.

This is terribly important and often overlooked.

> I mean, does it really matter that much, if a navigation is ordered
> or unordered list of links, or even definition list of available
> pages... If it is a list of links (especially with an id relating to
> navigation) the it's pretty clear to any user - and at least it's
> then not a table :-)

Well, the issue for a screen reader user is that if you use OL or UL for 
navigation lists:

a. They are told how many items are in the list at the start, and often 
while navigating the list. A screen reader user might hear something like;
"list of eight items. Item one of eight: link home. Item two of eight: 
link products (etc)...list end"

b. The screen reader software often allows the user to skip elements 
like lists with one keyboard shortcut, or to skip to the next/previous 
element of a given type.

Both of these things make an ordered or unordered list of links 
preferable to a similar run of paras or whatever else.



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