[thelist] Hiding elements in html mail

Mike designbase10 at shaw.ca
Fri Nov 4 18:30:23 CST 2005

In html mail, how would you hide an h1 tag? I need the h1 tag to be 
invisible to recipients of the html mail and yet I would like it to show 
up for plain-text recipients. Don't worry, I am not going to spam anyone 
- I just need a way to hide certain tags such as h1 because in the html 
mail I am using a gif image instead of an h1 and I don't want to repeat 
the words in the heading for those who can read html mail. I need the h1 
tag for the plain-text viewers but I need it to not show up for the html 

I thought using the CSS style display: none might do the trick. Are 
there any better suggestions?

How about this:

h1  {
color: "transparent"?

Is there such an a value as "transparent" for the color attribute?

Or should I use display: none as an inline css style?  I would like to 
use display: none if possible.

Thank you,


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