[thelist] Multilingual Sites: Best approach?

Fred D Yocum fdy at mcc.org
Tue Nov 8 08:03:45 CST 2005

As a designer that works for a North American charity with offices in at 
least thirty countries I would echo this comment. Translation is an 
expensive and time consuming business, but if you have ever chortled over 
a translation into your own language you know why it is important to get 
it as right as you can. Spanish translation, particularly in the North 
America where the Hispanic community is made up of people from many 
different Latin Amreican/Caribbean countries is complex. There is no 
dominant "Received" or "Standard" way of speaking or writing, 

>Finally, look for a translation company that has relationships with
>in-country translators who are familiar with the industry for which
>you are looking for translations... just knowing both languages isn't
>enough... i can't speak accountant, so i wouldn't try to translate
>from Spanish into it...

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