[thelist] 'text file' config [was: Grammatical] advice

Kasimir K evolt at kasimir-k.fi
Wed Nov 9 15:12:53 CST 2005

Ron scribeva in 2005-11-09 20:02:
> Actually I thought 'learn to type' was excellent advice.

> Why not help the OP understand that 'text file' configs are easy to work 
> with 

Oh yes, it indeed is an excellent advice. It's just that as the OP 
actually had some typos in his mail I thought that AE was referring to 
those with his reply. If this is not the case, I'm sorry for my mistake.

But instead of "learn to type?", why not just tell that working with 
configuration files is actually quite easy, and maybe point to some 
sites where one could learn the basics, like 
http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ or even 


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