[thelist] backordering, domain transfer and other issues.

VOLKAN ÖZÇELİK volkan.ozcelik at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 07:42:55 CST 2005

Hi everyone,

May be you remember my previous post on "how to work freelance on a
global scale". Thank for all your support and motivation.

And here I am holding first freelance agreement (Well not a big step
for the human kind, but a big big step for me. ... no I've not
resigned my full-time job yet :) )

However I'm a bit novice in these kinda stuff, and I don't want to
p*ss off my very first attempt.

Here is the situation:

My client had made his site (say ABC.com) design by someone else whom
he cannot contact anymore. His domain will expire in less than a

1. He says that he can stand if his site is down a few weeks but
he does not want to stop his e-mail correspondence (info at ABC.com,
sales at ABC.com etc) for more than a day (or two at most)
2. (corollary to 1) He never forever wants to change his domain name
or worse lose it.

Therefore two options come to my mind:

1. find the current owner of the domain name and request him cancel
his registration.
2. issue an "instant backorder" from some registrar service and hope
that the owner does not extend his registration period.

Anything else that I can do?

Thank you very much in advance.
Volkan Ozcelik
+>Yep! I'm blogging! : http://www.volkanozcelik.com/volkanozcelik/blog/
+> My projects/studies/trials/errors : http://www.sarmal.com/

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