[thelist] live site thumbnails?

April april at farstrider.org
Thu Nov 10 19:09:38 CST 2005

I actually asked this question a week or so ago (in a different form). 
I got many helpful answers, but none that were headless.  It was mostly 
software that takes screen captures with basic editing functionality, 
which should speed up the process a bit... but it only takes me a few 
second to do using the windows built in screen capture and a photoshop 
action, so it wasn't quite what I needed.  I'm did get a suggestion 
elsewhere to run mozilla and screen capturing software in linux, which 
is my big plans for this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes.

John DeStefano wrote:
> Hi all!
> Was about to update a portfolio page, and wondered if there were an
> app/function out there that could take a peek at a live page, and from
> that produce a "live" image... "live" being relative, meaning I
> wouldn't mind if there were a delay in updating the image (a few
> hours, a day, even a week would be fine).
> I have a table with thumbnail images of sites in one column, and a
> brief description of the site/design in another.  When one clicks that
> thumbnail, they're brought either to the live site, or to a
> non-functioning replica of a defunct site.  I'm wondering whether
> something could auto-magically create those current site thumbnails
> for me to keep them current (and help promote my laziness).
> While it would take me all of a few minutes to take some screen shots
> every so often and upload them, if there's already a very cool
> solution out there, why not use it?  So I figured I'd ask...
> Thanks!
> ~John

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