[thelist] load testing tools

Ken Schaefer Ken at adOpenStatic.com
Wed Dec 28 09:21:31 CST 2005

: -----Original Message-----
: From: thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org [mailto:thelist-
: bounces at lists.evolt.org] On Behalf Of Ian Anderson
: Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2005 12:45 AM
: To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
: Subject: Re: [thelist] load testing tools
: Dan McCullough wrote:
: > Yeah  I knew I should have mentioned that I was hosting on Linux.
: I'm sure Ken will put us straight here, but I don't think the hosting
: matters. The idea is that the stress testing application can run on one
: or more client machines, and the tools Ken mentioned run on Windows
: _client_ machines.
: This looks like a clear summary, which I found informative:
: http://www.west-wind.com/presentations/webstress/webstress.htm
: Cheers & thanks Ken for the leads on those tools

Ian has hit the nail on the head, so to speak. The server OS is generally
irrelevant. The load would be generated by separate client machines.

By aware though, that unless you have a very, very thick pipe between the
internet and your front-end webserver, and then between the web server and
each server in your infrastructure, your network is probably going to become
the bottleneck. A 1.5Mbps connection becomes saturated with only 50
concurrent requests from dial-up users (less with users on broadband). At a
recent gig that I worked on, even a 100Mbps Ethernet network connecting the
various layers together (web, app, integration points, DB server) wasn't
sufficient given that rehydrating a user's session state required
transferring about 70KB, and we needed to sustain over 2000 requests/sec.


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