[thelist] PHP comment spam / Turing tests

VOLKAN ÖZÇELİK volkan.ozcelik at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 13:29:26 CST 2005

> Just got a thought, how would this sound:
> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Now please
> type the second letter of the third word here:__"

It may be possible to guess the structure by a lexical analysis.
However it is easier said than done :)

To be on the safe side, the instruction (now please type the second... phrase)
may be created using a captcha.

It will be easier to read a distorted instruction than to guess
whether what I see is
a "1" or "I" (capital i) or "l" (lowercase L) or "!"

However this hybrid method will lead further accessibility troubles.

Anyway, your idea is worth a try imho.

Volkan Ozcelik
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