[thelist] "ASP.NET Machine A..." xp acount / System VolumeInformation

Ken Schaefer Ken at adOpenStatic.com
Wed Dec 28 22:50:21 CST 2005

The ASPNET account is used as the process identity for the aspnet_wp.exe
process that hosts the .NET Framework runtime when you are running ASP.NET
pages on the machine.

Your inability to access "system volume information" I would suggest is not
related to this account being present. I'd have a look in your Windows Event
Log for possible errors as a first step.


: -----Original Message-----
: From: thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org [mailto:thelist-
: bounces at lists.evolt.org] On Behalf Of Alex Beston
: Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2005 9:39 AM
: To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
: Subject: [thelist] "ASP.NET Machine A..." xp acount / System
: VolumeInformation
: I have an account on my xp box of which I know nothing.  its called
: "ASP.NET Machine A..." and is a limited account. it could be something
: legit but its the first ive known about it!
: I dont know at the moment whether to delete it or not, since it may have
: something to do with a ,net framework I installed so that i could
: generate a google sitemap from a bit of excellent freeware i found when
: i was back in the uk.
: Currently in france, so before someone says "use google", im limited to
: 5 mins a day for downloading / uploading messages, so if anyone has a
: moment, that would be great for a bit of computer spring cleaning before
: i get back off holidays.
: On a slightly related note, I cant access the "System Volume
: Information" on this xp box an yet my account is as administrator.
: Why is that?
: So the related theme here is *perhaps* the box has been compromised, but
: then me not knowing enough, it mightn't.
: If nobody knows then i'll look into when i get back to the uk.

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