[thelist] Web Log Analyzer for the Mac?

Jono jono at charlestonwebsolutions.com
Thu Dec 29 21:31:55 CST 2005

On 12/21/05 11:37 AM, "Daniel Romanchik" <dan at danromanchik.com> wrote:

> Hi--
> I've been trying to find some web log analysis software for the Mac...
> ...
> I did find two that look like they'll fit the bill:
>    FlashStats: http://www.maximized.com/products/flashstats/
>    Traffic Report:  http://www.seacloak.com/
> ...
> Anyway, anyone know of any other programs that I should look at?


Does the stat solution need to be a desktop program/application?  If not,
here's a few to look into:

Stat Counter:
This is free for the 100 most recent user stats, and upgraded stat logs can
be purchased, for the following areas:
Popular Pages
Entry Pages
Exit Pages
Came From
Keyword Analysis
Recent Keyword Activity
Recent Came From
Search Engine Wars
Visitor Paths
Visit Length
Returning Visits
Recent Pageload Activity
Recent Visitor Activity
System Stats
Lookup IP Address


Google Analytics:
Does much of the stuff that Stat Counter does, plus integrates AdSense and
AdWords if you'd like to use those Google services.


Other Ideas:
If the site's host has a cpanel, there are a bunch of stat tracking options
there.  Try this:

1.  Go to the site you want to get stats for - www.yourwebsite.com/
2.  enter "cpanel" after your sites URL - www.yourwebsite.com/cpanel
3.  If prompted for a user name and password, enter you admin user and pass.
4.  Once logged in look for something called " Web/FTP Stats"
5.  Here is what you will find in the " Web/FTP Stats" area:
Analog produces a simple summary of all the people who have visited your
site. It is fast and provides great lightweight statistics.

Awstats produces very pretty stats.

Webalizer is a more complex stats program that produces a nice variety of
charts and graphs about who has visited your site. This is probably the most
popular stats engine available today.

Webalizer Ftp
Webalizer is a more complex stats program that produces a nice variety of
charts and graphs about who has visited your site. This is probably the most
popular stats engine available today.

Subdomain Stats
This will show statistics for the subdomains on your account.

Latest Visitors
This will show you the last 300 visitors who came to your site and some
interesting information about them.

This will show how many bytes your account has transferred.

Error Log
This will show errors in your site, images not loading, missing files, etc.
This is very useful for debugging CGI scripts.


I think that you can also pay separately for each of the above listed
options in 5. If your host does not offer them in cpanel.

Jono Young
Designer | Developer | Illustrator
Charleston Web Solutions
"Bringing Higher Standards to the Lowcountry"

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