[thelist] Dot Net / Browser Rendering Capacity Question

Luther, Ron Ron.Luther at hp.com
Mon Jan 23 10:08:47 CST 2006


>>imho, it is a browser-specific issue. So the back-end 
>>technology would not matter that much.

Hi Volkan,

That was my suspicion.  Just wanted a quick sanity check.

>>May I ask a question just out of curiosity:
>>Why don't you use pagination in your data.

A good question!  After much thought I agree that a 
'properly designed' application could use pagination 
and replicate the desired functionality.  It would, 
however, require much more time and effort to design 
properly ... which for 'quick' ad hoc efforts may 
not be practical.

On the non-technical side, I have plenty of excuses 
for not using pagination:

(1) Politically connected end users who want to see 
everything that is 'theirs' all at once.  <sigh />

(2) The old "that's the way we have always done it". 
[I suspect a good portion of that is lack of trust.  
Biz may not trust IT to 'properly design' the 
paginated approach ... but there is plenty of blame 
to go around.]

(3) Shadow IT. A lot of biz groups find it faster and 
easier to pull a dump from the 'official' source 
into their own box for post-processing into the 
format they really want than to bother documenting 
those needs and riding shotgun on projects to get 
them implemented in the 'official' system. 

On the technical side, I think that the correct 
answer is that paginated data can be *perceived* 
as being 'slower' for the end user to work with. 

Users can multitask and check email etc while the 
big dataset spins up and returns so that waiting 
time isn't very problematic. Once the data is 
returned it has a rather consistent latency when 
they wrestle it around.

With paginated data, waves and spikes in network 
traffic load mean that some pages come back faster 
than others. The variation in those delays seems 
to cause more dissatisfaction than the consistent 
latency dealing with the full data set.

[I've offered some information both ways and found 
the non-paginated to be much more popular.  Asking 
the users about it I got various spins on the above.]

My 2¢,


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