[thelist] CSS Equivalent for cellspacing, cellpadding and border

Brian Funk bfunk at hallshaven.ca
Tue Jan 24 11:40:15 CST 2006

Quoting Jovial Nomad <jovialnomad at gmail.com>:

>I'd like to reduce the page size by moving cellspacing, cellpadding and border
> into CSS. An earlier thread on this board suggested <table class=x><tr><td
>padding=0> with .x{cell-collapsing:collapse} defined in CSS...<snip>...Does
anyone know a backward compatible way to move cellspacing, cellpadding and
border attributes in table into CSS?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim

I am not aware that "cell-collapsing: collapse" is a valid CSS declaration. What
if you gave your cells "id" or "class" hooks and use the usual
padding/margin/border values? Is it actual "table" data or could it be served in
divs, lists, ...etc?
Also, if you could post a link to the page in question would be helpful.


Brian Funk
Hall's Haven Christian Bed and Breakfast

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