[thelist] tip: use other search engines

Edwin Martin edwin at bitstorm.org
Thu Jan 26 07:11:54 CST 2006

Christian Heilmann wrote:
>>>> As a certain search giant who had promised to do no evil has now taken
>>>> the step to the dark side and started auto censorship,
>> Ian Anderson scribeva in 25/01/2006 11:45:
>>> To what specifically does this refer?
>> http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6030784.html
>> http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,70081-0.html
> That is still no tip, but an opinion, bordering on Propaganda.
Well, it's a tip to review your search habits, so it's still a tip.
> Without
> knowing the business or legal implications that have driven Google to
> the decision it is too easy to wave the blue ribbon and be agitated.
So a company is helping a country to suppress its citizens and we cannot 
think anything of it? You sound like the Chinese government itself: "You 
don't have to think. We know what's best for you".

Ten years ago, I expected Internet to be a force to bring democracy to 
the whole world. I guess I was wrong.

I'm quite dissapointed with Google.

There are big companies with ethics, like HP. If I remember correctly, 
they pulled their business out of some countries like Romania and 
Bulgaria because the only way to do business there was with corruption.

So it is possible.

Edwin Martin


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