[thelist] Google release code analysis of a lot of web sites

Joshua Olson joshua at waetech.com
Thu Jan 26 11:35:20 CST 2006

> From: Ian Anderson
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:57 AM
> Joshua Olson wrote:
> > "Note: You will need a browser with SVG and CSS support to 
> view the result
> > graphs correctly. We recommend Firefox 1.5."
> Yes, but the link was to the elements page within the article. So those 
> following the link got dropped on the content without warning. Google 
> should have the same information on every page that uses the SVG


:-)  You are indeed correct--when I first started poking around the
information using IE I felt that something was missing.  It wasn't until I
visited the homepage that the answer became clear.  It would definitely
behoove them to put a placeholder for the graphs and indicate to users of
lesser browsers what they were missing and how to correct the situation.

Jakob Nielson would be very proud of us for agreeing on this.  

<tip type="Usability" author="Joshua Olson">
When disabling buttons in a UI (which may be common practice in
Administrative Panels and what not) that can be enabled by performing some
sort of action (such as completing the form), indicate the requirements
necessary to enable the button to the user.  You can indicate this with
either text on the page or, if the page is already reliant on JS, display a
popup message when they try to click on the button while it's disabled.  

Joshua L. Olson
WAE Tech Inc.
Phone: 706.210.0168 
Fax: 413.812.4864

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