[thelist] ColdFusion Error - Help Required.

Tushar Bengali bengalit at mahindrabt.com
Fri Jan 27 11:29:39 CST 2006

Well Guys,

I replaced the # with ## wherever it pointed, and now it gives a new

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Reserved error (|); there is
no message for this error.
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (31:1) to (31:47).

The line in question contains

Does anyone has any clues?  Thanks for all your help so far.


-----Original Message-----
From: thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org
[mailto:thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org] On Behalf Of Joshua Olson
Sent: 27 January 2006 17:12
To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
Subject: Re: [thelist] ColdFusion Error - Help Required.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tushar Bengali
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 11:45 AM

> strFrm.Other_Programme.style.backgroundColor ="#C1C1C1";


Within a CF output block, the # is a special character.  To render a #,
escape it by doubling it up: ##.

Joshua L. Olson
WAE Tech Inc.
Phone: 706.210.0168
Fax: 413.812.4864

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