[thelist] Javascript: Preview a textarea in another window

Brian Cummiskey Brian at hondaswap.com
Sat Jan 28 14:38:05 CST 2006

Bill Moseley wrote:

>Window does not focus, though.  I also tried this.focus().  Seems
>like that's what people use to bring windows back on top.
Try using the dependent=true parameter.  This should put it on top of 
the opener.

>Still, I'd like to figure out how to pass the text area through the
>server in a POST.  I'd like to be able to process the textarea before
>opening the preview window.
Why add a server process?  Submitting it to a database will only add 
load, and chances are it will be edited again, so either the row will 
need to be deleted or updated anyway.

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