[thelist] AJAX on Safari

Joshua Olson joshua at waetech.com
Fri Feb 17 11:56:07 CST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Brasna
> Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 12:49 PM
> > I'm toying around with AJAX on Safari (1.0.3)
> D'Oh, really 1.0.3? That's pretty ancient and has IMO no idea 
> about XHR. 

> I assume you mean 2.0.3, ie. the recent one.

Apple.com is touting 1.2 as the latest version... am I confused?

> > Or, can anybody think of any resources
> Some of those prototypes and AJAX-encapsulating libraries 
> wouldn't help?

That's what I've been playing with.  I just don't understand why google
suggest works and any of the other examples I've seen don't.

> > a javascript debugging window would be nice
> <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20030906093300383>
> <http://blog.deconcept.com/2005/07/28/safaris-hidden-debug-menu/>

This will be helpful.  :-)

Joshua L. Olson
WAE Tech Inc.
Phone: 706.210.0168 
Fax: 413.812.4864

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