[thelist] Out with tradition? GET or POST

Jay Blanchard jblanchard at pocket.com
Tue Apr 4 13:31:31 CDT 2006

I thought this to be unusual;

I was validating some pages for an upcoming project and got this as my
only error;
Below are the results of checking this document for XML well-formedness
and validity. 

Error Line 15 column 29: value of attribute "method" cannot be "POST";
must be one of "get", "post".
<form action="#" method="POST">

For years we have been told that the method must be in all caps, even
though we all found that not to be the case; our forms would act as we
wished. But we all wanted to join the 'valid' mark-up community so we
all happily typed the words in upper-case. I guess that this is the
first time that I have noticed this because I have been more on the
web-applications development side for the past few years and we didn't
really validate much.

[/end introspective rant on nothing really important]

<tip type="MySQL Users">
Do not forget to "FLUSH PRIVILIEGES" after adding or updating users in
MySQL. While you may be able to query the user or changes made to the
user there will be no effect (old passwords will still work, etc) until
you have performed that query.

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