[thelist] loading page

Marshall Wood donkieonthehead at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 10:24:49 CDT 2006

I have a few php reports that I have created and they can take
anywhere from 5-10 minutes to load/finish, the results are solid and
everything is tighened up in the script so now I am looking at what to
do with the blank page that appears for the 5-10 until the page is
finished loading.

I have tried the PHP loading scripts, and that isn't really working
very well, when I run it on windows its fine, when I run it on the
server the script never updates so I stopped using that.  I have
thought about outputting the results to their own html page and then
when the script is finshed redirecting them to that page and just
putting some bogus loading animation, a dancing monkey comes to mind.

Anyone else have some thoughts about how to amuse people while they
wait for their report to load.

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