[thelist] mysqldump syntax error?

Max Schwanekamp lists at neptunewebworks.com
Wed May 3 14:23:33 CDT 2006

> From: Canfield, Joel  
> copied directly from the help files:
>     mysqldump --opt db_name > backup-file.sql
> which I modified to 
>     mysqldump --opt cdrdb > cdr200605.sql
> and I get error 1064 'your syntax sucks'

Wondering if maybe mysqldump is taking part of 'cdrdb' as an argument rather
than as a string for the db name?  Don't have time to peruse the docs right
now, but this is how I do it (via cron), and it seems to work fairly well:
mysqldump --opt --add-locks --add-drop-table --complete-insert
--lock-all-tables -hDBHOST -uDBUSER -pDBPASS --databases mydb | gzip >

Max Schwanekamp

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