[thelist] php operator =&

patrick pms at stoutstreet.com
Mon Jun 12 14:48:33 CDT 2006

Sarah Adams wrote:
> I'm helping someone out with some PHP code, and I keep seeing them using
> the operator "=&", which AFAIK is not a PHP operator... but it seems to
> work fine, as though it were a simple assignment operator (i.e. "=").
> Before I go telling him that he shouldn't be using it (for the sake of
> code readability, at least), does someone know of some obscure part of
> the PHP docs that mentions this operator? Or perhaps he's confusing it
> with an operator from some other language?

That isn't an operator -- it's just =, with the & referring to passing 
by reference (i believe)


patrick sanders
web sites that fit

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