[thelist] Site copied by pirates [not really]

Mattias Thorslund mattias at thorslund.us
Thu Jun 22 19:54:06 CDT 2006

Mark Groen wrote:
> That just means he had to import it into that software to change
> anything, and is just smart enough to copy someone else's hard work and
> then call it his own. If you do a file diff on the two you will see they
> are the same originally, heck, just open the source in two windows and
> switch back and forth and you can see that it's the same.
> Another good clue that you have been duped Eduardo, is the class names
> and especially the one called "fubar" near the top are in English and do
> not match the rest of the author's efforts.

You mean the "stolen code" is the layout markup, and maybe some
JavaScript in the rollover images?

I wouldn't condone it, but I don't see how this is a big deal? I don't
see anything really heartbreakingly innovative or special here.  The
site seems to be a pretty low-revenue one - it's not like someone is
getting rich on your hard labor.

Obviously the plagiarist should have borrowed from someone who is more
willing to share, and there are plenty of people who are.

Actually, isn't it flattering that someone finds your code useful enough
to plagiarize? Take it as a compliment.

So, the only "real" issue I see is the bandwidth leeching, and others
have suggested what you can do about it. I would suggest doing some
"whois" research and contact the administrator about it.


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