[thelist] project management and collaboration software

Mattias Thorslund mattias at thorslund.us
Fri Jun 23 20:07:08 CDT 2006

Nan Harbison wrote:
> Hello Evolters,
> Before sending this email, I tried to search through the list archives, I am
> sure this topic had been discussed before, but I only found a few brilliant
> articles on project requirements and a project managament glossary, which I
> will read. But whatI am looking for is software to do several parts of
> project management for mostly software/web projects, I was going to build
> this myself, but I think that would be reinventing the wheel.
> The application needs to:
> Be the central repository of all incoming projects
> Let projects be assigned a priority
> Date the project came in
> Project progress
> Who is on the project
> Targeted finish date
> Email people involved
> Sort by date, people involved, customer involved, priority level, etc
> And of course, we don’t want to spend a lot of money on it! Maybe $10 - $20
> a month? I have no idea what this is going to cost us
> Etc etc
> I have found several websites that have this kind of software- ProjectDox,
> eProject, WebEx, Vertabase. Are any of these really fabulous for reasonable
> money, or does someone have a better suggestion?
> Nan

Since it sounds to me that you're using "project" to mean something
fairly quick in terms of time from start to implementation (not months
or years), I suggest you take a look at FlySpray, which is what I use.

It's a free, open-source issue tracker for bugs and feature requests.
You can enter many "projects" (e.g. customer projects) which have their
own tasks. Tasks can depend on the completion of another task. Keeps
people updated via email. The only things I could think of that it's
lacking from a "project management" point-of-view is a GANTT chart, and
things like time estimates. Since it's open source, it can also be
customized to your needs.


Installation is pretty easy if you have a server that runs PHP and MySQL
(Trac and Bugzilla gave me lots of trouble). If you don't have one, you
could easily find hosting within your budget.



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