[thelist] Which Free Opensource AJAX Framework is worth the time and effort?

Matt Warden mwarden at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 07:16:58 CDT 2006

On 8/20/06, sam foster <potatosculptor at gmail.com> wrote:
> If I was just doing ajax dev for myself, or a nicely contained
> end-point kind of site or application, I would choose Yui.
> .. but I'm not, so I really need the extra extensibility, package
> system and overall commitment I get from Dojo that it will take me as
> far as I need to go, and play nice with others. Along the way I get
> some nice goodies like the superb event system, lotsa widgets,
> client-side storage api, browser backbutton / undo support,
> environment agnostic codebase (doesnt assume a browser - nice for unit
> tests and other automation) etc.
> Dojo is very much commercial-friendly open source btw.

I almost feel like you accidentally typed "Dojo" every time you meant
to type "YUI." YUI is attempting to be an OS platform, not an ajax
library or a library of widgets. I strongly suggest you take another
look at YUI, because it sounds to be exactly what you're looking for.
Oh, and it's BSD license, by the way.

Matt Warden
Cleveland, OH, USA

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