[thelist] javascript parseInt (TIP)

liorean liorean at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 08:19:30 CDT 2006

<tip type="ECMAScript string-to-number conversions">Here is a table
displaying the different ways to convert a string to a number.

n           Number(n)   parseInt(n) parseInt(n,10)  parseFloat(n)
isNaN(n)    eval(n)
----        ----        ----        ----            ----
----        ----
''          0           NaN         NaN             NaN
false       undefined
'8'         8           8           8               8
false       8
'.8'        0.8         NaN         NaN             0.8
false       0.8
'-8'        -8          -8          -8              -8
false       -8
'08'        8           0           8               8
false       8
'1e3'       1000        1           1               1000
false       1000
'1d3'       NaN         1           1               1
true        ERROR
'0x1d3'     467         467         0               0
false       467
'd'         NaN         NaN         NaN             NaN
true        ERROR

The numeric operator shortcuts we sometimes use (+n, 1*n, n-0, n/1)
behave exactly the same as Number(n) does.</tip>
David "liorean" Andersson

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